Bon Giorno, hungry citizens.
So I'm spending a little bit of time in a city on a very high floor, 23rd in fact. In other words, I am towering over quite a lot of people.
During this time, I have discovered that I my powers of klutziness and reckless driving are far more capable than I ever thought before. Looking down, I saw a man trip up stairs while carrying a box filled with stuff that fell all over, and a person drive the wrong way down a one way.
I know, I couldn't believe it either. Usually the person has to be at LEAST ten feet away for my power to transfer.*
I started playing FFX again. This time I hope to beat it rather than stopping at the last time you fight Sin and quitting. Thanks to a request from Mufasa, I'm naming all my aeons after rulers that killed a lot of people...well mostly, anyway. My Valefor is Stalin, Ifrit is (demanded by Mufasa) Kim Jong Il (well actually Kim Jng Il because of the character spaces) and Ixion is Mao Zedong (actually Mao Zdong). Any ideas for Shiva (preferably a girl), Bahamut, the three sisters (not necessarily girls), the samurai dude, and/or Anima?
Gatorade, not as good as water, but for some reason I'm drinking it.
Didja see the new rvb? It's a doooooooooozy. Well, not really, but it is funny.
I have this idea for a story and now that I have all this alone time, I really thought I'd be working on it. Instead I find myself in other stories, BAH. I've read a lot lately. Jules Verne is sooooooo two centuries ago.
I don't know if Bunraku is actually going to come out as a movie. So it might still be awhile until Gackt and David Bowie meet, thereby delaying the end of the world.
Maybe then I'll have time to work on my story. Or read Sandman. Or Bleach. Or Hemmingway. Or Pratchett. Or the myriad of collections of short stories I have in my room. Le sigh.
Feels like I haven't seen anyone other than my Dad in awhile. So no new stories about Bosley, Mufasa, or the others.
Oh! but wait. I have an old story. About Mufasa. We were at a grocery store (marvelous things, those, but where's the Calpis?!) and...welll I guess I need a little bit of set up here. As siblings, Mufasa, Mo-mo and I often share shirts. (and sometimes even hats, le gasp!) So I have this shirt with an owl on it, and Mufasa happened to be wearing it at the time. Well, an old lady came up and pet him. His arm, and the back where the owl was. Apparently she used to save owls.
I don't suppose any of you know how long it would take for suns to change places in a binary star system? Nah, me either.
I like rain.
P.S. Yes, yes you can.
P.P.S. In Soviet Russia, you don't use computers, computers use YOU.
* reading over this again, I realized that I should have said at MOST, not least. Just think of what my powers of misusing the English language could do. Bahaha.
P. P. P. S. I just watched some Australian football. That shiz iz crazy.
Friday, August 7, 2009
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