Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shiawase Nara Te wo Tatakou!!

I am at le Gertrude's house. And betwixt the two of us we cannot think of a single thing to blog about.

Do you like mushy watermelon? Gertrude doesn't.

Now I have a reason to wake up in the morning. I'ma gettin' maccha. w000000000t.

Well time to sleep so I can drink maccha. Glad to entertain ya folk in the meantime.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can't Trust a Ho, Never Trust a Ho, Don't Trust a Ho 'Cuz a Ho Don't Trust Me

Wise words. But I'm not a vegetarian.

Soooooo it's July! Weird. And not just July, July 8th. Double weird. It's also kinda cold in here, but since there's air conditioning, that's not so weird.

Once again I find myself with a lack of write-worthy topics. I also haven't jogged in almost a week!!! ARGH!!! I can't believe it, but I enjoy jogging. Myself a year ago would not believe it, and my five-year-ago self probably would have had a heart attack if she had heard it while eating her Big Mac.

So it's a good thing time-travel is impossible. That and the whole end-of-the-world thing. I've applied for at least 13 writing jobs in the past two weeks and no one has responded. Well, one said no. At least that was a response. It's frustratingggggggggggg. One of them wanted a blog post, and since I don't keep any other blog, I had to point them to this one...yeah, I can understand that person not replying. What do you do when exposed to that level of insanity? He's probably cowering under a table eating a cupcake. Anyone know any good artists? I'd like to write a manga as well...none of those people are responding either.

Maybe I'm slowly becoming invisible.
Maybe I was already.
Maybe we all are!
Maybe it's just me.
Maybe it's just YOUR FACE.

Well I hope I find an artist or a writing job so I could at least feel like I accomplished something this summer. In the meanwhile I may try my own drawing...but I'm really not good...and have no way of screentoning...bahhhhhhhh.

I wonder why I still write this?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Take Me With You, I Don't Need Shoes to Follow

Today I realized there's some sort of gnome living in our house, and he hides diamonds in the sugar. Mo-mo fell into a wood chipper and lost a leg so I've been her woman-servant for the past couple weeks. Anywho, this meant I had to get her the sugar for her tea. But while reaching for it the cupboard slammed shut on my finger. And then when I handed it to Om-om she suddenly got a wound. So this gnome had cleverly booby-trapped our sugar. Didn't find the diamonds, but I know they're there. Probably small pieces that with a few words in latin will be pieced back together. But lark, since I've made this public my life is probably in danger. The gnome will know that I know. And knowing is a dangerous state to be in.

I think everyone I know is either physically leaving or drifting more abstractly away. Or all three. It's sad.

Maybe I should talk to the gnome. He was wise enough to damage my sibling and I, I bet he's wise in other ways as well. And having a gnome for a friend could only lead to good things. Especially if he knows you know something he doesn't want you to know, and you don't want him to know you know.

Yup, I used yet another cliche. Aren't you jealous. My feet are cold. Because I am not wearing matching or unmatching socks. My feet are sockless!! The horrrrrrorrrrrrr. 洗濯をすればよかったなぁ~。

I haven't practiced mine foreign symbols in a long time. It maketh me sad.

I need to stop all this sadness!! I think I need a proper weapon to combat it. But I doth not know what that would be.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

You Can't See That You're Just the Same as All the Stupid People That You Hate.I'm Not Saying I'm Free From Blame Cuz I Need All the Friends I Can Get

It's true.

Today I broke a blade in half with my bare hands!! In my absence from blogging I have become strong. Like IRON. Maybe even stronger. Since I broke a blade which was quite possibly made of iron.

But now as I blog I can feel the strength leak from my fingertips. It will probably soon be gone. I will be back to my former weak self, unable to break a blade. And I will cry sad, lonely tears.

Have you played Fallout 3? Don't. I lost a week of my life to that game. It's brilliant. It's got a postapocalyptic world, Liam Neeson, aliens, and a Samurai. What more you could you want?

I was also attacked by a monster. It turned into a festering wound, but it is receding now with the help of lembas. So don't worry.

My keyboard is dirty. I'm losing my mind. As I was typing that I couldn't remember how to spell keyboard. I spelt it as keeboard. That's sad. I also typed I'm losing my ming. Now that one may be right. I'm not sure what a ming is, but I tend to lose a lot of things. So it wouldn't surprise me if I lost a ming or two in my time.

I also watched NCIS:LA with teh fam, and there was a Chinese gang called Hiragana. Wuh-what? Do any of the zero people who read this blog speak Chinese? Because I want to know if that's an actual Chinese word. It's definitely a Japanese one...

Ka KAAAaaaa

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today I was trying to decide what to eat, when I realized that I could not remember the last time I ate pudding. That's unacceptable. So I ate chocolate pudding.

Also, my socks match. Also, I am tired.

Today I ran around like a...something with part of it's body maimed. Don't ask me about little things like metaphors or somalis right now. My brain is shot. If you were here I'd show you the scar. But you're not, so don't ask.

I said don't.

I said jump?


I hope you all're having a great new year. And yes that's a real contraction.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Iin desu ka?

Today I am watching people fight zombies. I'm not sure whether I'd rather be a zombie or a human. I like having consciousness...but not so sure I'd like it if an axe was splitting me open. So I guess it depends on the situation. Which is the same name of someone's abs. I only know that because of the red-haired man, I swear.

He teaches me a lot.

I don't like venison. But at my house we've had venison sausage, venison hamburgers, venison spaghetti, and venison chili. Yuck.

Played Assassin's Creed 2 yet? Because you should. Say hi to Mr. Da Vinci for me. And make sure to look at the photos carefully...there's binary and Morse code and other fun things hidden, if you're into history-inspired mysteries. Which I am. And a lot of the time they're downright creepy. I think it's scarier than RE, because it's more subtle and realistic...

And Ezio's VA = Chris Redfield's VA. I know, right?

Oh, and yet another game update, I got a Ring of the Lord game, and guess what? On the evil side you get to demolish Rivendell and The Shire...haven't gotten there yet but I'm exciiiiiited. And you can play as a balrog (I think). Nyahah.

It's been awhile since I've written something. A little because I don't really have teh internets. A lot because I'm lazy. I added to Om Om's story. She finally found a peach tree at age 86. But it wasn't really a peach tree. It was a training ground for ninjas. They were supposed to skin a peach, fold their bones, get back into the peach and then reattach themselves to the tree. Don't ask me how; I'm not a real ninja. Just a fake one. So Om Om cut open what she thought was at last the famed volcano peach. But a ninja popped out. He was so impressed with her endurance, he ditched his other living-inside-peach friends and brought her back to the dojo in Japan with him. There she became the oldest known ninja. The End-end.

These people need to work on their communication. Ones opening the door and the other's yelling at him.

I entered a large contest............I want to WIN. Well it was only a contest in a broad sense. It was more of an application. But you can't win an application. And I want to WIN.

I'm getting better at talking to people. But I still wish I had more people to talk to. I've discovered Facebook makes me feel lonely.

Watching them play has made me decide I'd rather be a zombie.

I need to read more. I want to read some Vonnegut. Almost done with Pratchett's Hogfather. Good, but not great. I like the Vimes books better than any of the other storylines.

Does anyone actually read this? Maybe not, but that's probably for the good of all mankind.

This is very disjointed. Probably because my socks match.

Apparently there's no person. This is what teh Gertrude told me. Now she shot a bird. That's not nice. We have to be on the DL, otherwise known as the dizzle lizzle. Apparently I have seduced them with the game. So it's my fault...I say it's theirs. Bon Jovi was sung after nine. And they made a that's what she said joke. So, yeah.

I just found out that I've had this blog for over a year....weird. Wish I had some Pepsi and grenadine to celebrate. AIt does not feel like it and the amount of updates does not reflect that. Maybe I'll change that. Maybe I won't. We'll see.

Happy year of ze Tigre.