Monday, January 26, 2009

You Don't Need a Spaceship, They Don't Know That You've Already Lived on the Other Side of the Galaxy

Disclaimer: This blog post is all Bosley's fault. She made me do it. So point the pitchforks towards her.

I found out why the world is going to end in 2012. Gackt will meet David Bowie.

Think about it; they're obviously the same person. Just one happens to be Japanese. They dance, talk, and look the same (other than the racial differences in appearance, they do. Trust me), and they probably even smell the same, I just haven't gotten close enough.

Well if you didn't know Gackt is making a movie with Josh Hartnett called Bunraku. Naturally, as the Japanese man, Gackt is named Yoshi and is a samurai. (You have to give them creative credit on this-he could have been a ninja. That's just overdone.)

Anyway, because of this movie, Gackt (presumably) now knows English pretty well...and having been to the states a few times, (including with S.K.I.N....with Miyavi! zomg.) he will start to meet other famous people...and this will gradually build up...until he meets his twin soul!

And if you've ever watched any time traveling movie at all, you know that it is impossible to exist in the same place at the same time...twice. So the world will either implode or explode...I'm not sure which. I'm thinking explode, because the world will want to share such greatness with the rest of it's friends.

Then again, this world being the only one known for sure to have oceans and stable sources of water, it's kind of greedy. It never shares with other worlds, and I'm guessing Mercury could do with a good drink, and I know Venus could. Pluto (YES it's a planet and always will be, even if it's picked on by us) probably doesn't want anything to do with us after we decided it's no longer one of us. That and it's really cold, so it probably would only want the hot springs anyway, and that'd be unfair to the rest, especially Saturn.

Well anyway, if that's the case then I guess the world would implode, wanting to keep the greatness that is Gackt and David Bowie all to it's self. And such stars are meant to live among the stars! Such a sad world we live in. Er, well, on. And after it implodes or explodes...not on.

Oh yeah, I was going to talk about music too. First off, lately I've kind of been wanting to find some new, maybe slightly more upbeat music. And I found out that the Dresden Dolls made a silent film with Panic at the Disco and toured with them. Since I love the Dresden Dolls beyond words (besides those I just used to express my love), I thought, all right, I'll try that. I tried the cd Pretty. Odd, or something like It wasn't horrible, but it certainly wasn't brilliant either. They have some good things going, but then they repeat it, over and over and over and over. That's too many overs for me.

Kinda funny that I like songs like Slipping Away and 10 Miles High by Nine Inch Nails...but I guess there the voice is almost like an instrument...also the music changes enough to keep my interest. PatD just repeats everything...repeatedly. I like a couple songs, and I'd be willing to try another CD, perhaps that was just the boring one, but I don't think I'll go back to that again.

My other music news is that I read a review of the song Dear Jenny (which, if you don't know it, why are you still reading my blog? Go listen to it!) by the Dresden Dolls. And the person who reviewed it was upset because her name was Jenny, and she felt it badly represented the (Jenny's? Jennies? good thing I'm an English major or this would be a hard decision to make.) of the world. I couldn't help but think that if Amanda Palmer wrote a song that used my name, and simply went: "I HATE GANDY I HATE GANDY IHATEGANDY" I'd be ecstatic and love the song forever. "Aww, she wrote about me!" I would delude myself.

Gah, people these days. Ain't got no respecta.

Well anyway, back to the point of this broadcast:

Pay no heed to the comet or black hole theories. Clearly the world will end because Gackt and David Bowie will meet.


  1. Hmm, usually doomsday theories don't worry me, but thinking about Gackt and David Bowie meeting each other(/themselves?)... well, it frightens me a little bit.

    Oh, and Pluto is in its rightful place as a DWARF planet :[
